Our company is a team of people who want to make the economy more efficient by constantly improving accounting technologies and getting rid of manual labor. We want a person to be engaged only in productive activities, and not in mechanical work, which robots and programs may well do. Over the 6 years of our company's existence, we have many times faced tasks that would have been impossible to solve with the help of scaling human resources, and with tasks that required total accounting of everything. Solving such problems, we have learned to make accounting much easier, entrusting its maintenance to automated systems. For example, send the knocking out of hundreds of thousands of checks per day to the robot or the counting of revolutions and recommendations for working with them. We want thousands of entrepreneurs throughout Central Asia to be able to make their business efficient and competitive in the global market by increasing work efficiency, accelerating turnover, increasing transparency, obtaining leverage and, in general, digitalizing their business.
The bay has been on the market since 2014. At the moment there are more than 4,000 clients. The main ones are small and micro businesses.
Now we are working on the development of complex products that help entrepreneurs to fully entrust accounting to our system. This will allow them to reduce the time and money spent on keeping records, everything will be automatically recorded in the system of accounting for balances, sales, bank, reporting and will allow the entrepreneur to simply go about his business.
Ранний доступ к заработной плате.
Prepare documents and sign them online;
Make ESF, AVR online;
Keep records of goods and services, sales;
Accept online payment;
Упростите процессы взаимодействия с клиентами.
When concluding a contract for accounting services you are assigned a personal accountant
Working with primary documentation
Accounting consulting
Working with banking
Оптимизируйте процесс выдачи чека и освободите ресурсы для более важных задач.
Возможность подключения по API;
Высокая пропускная способность с возможностью выбивать неограниченное количество чеков в день;
Интеграция с 1С.
Кредитование на оборотные средства.
Мгновенный займ от Бухты за считанные минуты;
Договор займа в электронном виде, подписание по СМС-коду.
We automatically generate reports on the basis of data from the cash desk, bank, EI, which allows you to completely exclude a fine during an in-house audit.
We automatically submit reports, which allows you to exclude the arrest of the account and the fine for non-reporting.
We provide monitoring of the personal account in the tax committee for the correct posting of taxes and deductions. We control the absence of tax arrears.
Everyone uses our services - from the largest companies to the smallest startups.
Solved tasks
Tariffs for all services
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